
Trait std::vec::ImmutableVector

pub trait ImmutableVector<'a, T> {
    fn slice(&self, start: uint, end: uint) -> &'a [T];
    fn slice_from(&self, start: uint) -> &'a [T];
    fn slice_to(&self, end: uint) -> &'a [T];
    fn iter(self) -> VecIterator<'a, T>;
    fn rev_iter(self) -> RevIterator<'a, T>;
    fn split(self, pred: 'a |&T| -> bool) -> SplitIterator<'a, T>;
    fn splitn(self, n: uint, pred: 'a |&T| -> bool) -> SplitIterator<'a, T>;
    fn rsplit(self, pred: 'a |&T| -> bool) -> RSplitIterator<'a, T>;
    fn rsplitn(self, n: uint, pred: 'a |&T| -> bool) -> RSplitIterator<'a, T>;
    fn windows(self, size: uint) -> WindowIter<'a, T>;
    fn chunks(self, size: uint) -> ChunkIter<'a, T>;
    fn get_opt(&self, index: uint) -> Option<&'a T>;
    fn head(&self) -> &'a T;
    fn head_opt(&self) -> Option<&'a T>;
    fn tail(&self) -> &'a [T];
    fn tailn(&self, n: uint) -> &'a [T];
    fn init(&self) -> &'a [T];
    fn initn(&self, n: uint) -> &'a [T];
    fn last(&self) -> &'a T;
    fn last_opt(&self) -> Option<&'a T>;
    fn flat_map<U>(&self, f: |t: &T| -> ~[U]) -> ~[U];
    unsafe fn unsafe_ref(&self, index: uint) -> *T;
    fn as_ptr(&self) -> *T;
    fn bsearch(&self, f: |&T| -> Ordering) -> Option<uint>;
    fn map<U>(&self, |t: &T| -> U) -> ~[U];
    fn shift_ref(&mut self) -> &'a T;
    fn pop_ref(&mut self) -> &'a T;

Extension methods for vectors

Required Methods

fn slice(&self, start: uint, end: uint) -> &'a [T]

Returns a slice of self between start and end.

Fails when start or end point outside the bounds of self, or when start > end.

fn slice_from(&self, start: uint) -> &'a [T]

Returns a slice of self from start to the end of the vec.

Fails when start points outside the bounds of self.

fn slice_to(&self, end: uint) -> &'a [T]

Returns a slice of self from the start of the vec to end.

Fails when end points outside the bounds of self.

fn iter(self) -> VecIterator<'a, T>

Returns an iterator over the vector

fn rev_iter(self) -> RevIterator<'a, T>

Returns a reversed iterator over a vector

fn split(self, pred: 'a |&T| -> bool) -> SplitIterator<'a, T>

Returns an iterator over the subslices of the vector which are separated by elements that match pred. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.

fn splitn(self, n: uint, pred: 'a |&T| -> bool) -> SplitIterator<'a, T>

Returns an iterator over the subslices of the vector which are separated by elements that match pred, limited to splitting at most n times. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.

fn rsplit(self, pred: 'a |&T| -> bool) -> RSplitIterator<'a, T>

Returns an iterator over the subslices of the vector which are separated by elements that match pred. This starts at the end of the vector and works backwards. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.

fn rsplitn(self, n: uint, pred: 'a |&T| -> bool) -> RSplitIterator<'a, T>

Returns an iterator over the subslices of the vector which are separated by elements that match pred limited to splitting at most n times. This starts at the end of the vector and works backwards. The matched element is not contained in the subslices.

fn windows(self, size: uint) -> WindowIter<'a, T>

Returns an iterator over all contiguous windows of length size. The windows overlap. If the vector is shorter than size, the iterator returns no values.


Fails if size is 0.


Print the adjacent pairs of a vector (i.e. [1,2], [2,3], [3,4]):

let v = &[1,2,3,4];
for win in v.windows(2) {
    println!("{:?}", win);

fn chunks(self, size: uint) -> ChunkIter<'a, T>

Returns an iterator over size elements of the vector at a time. The chunks do not overlap. If size does not divide the length of the vector, then the last chunk will not have length size.


Fails if size is 0.


Print the vector two elements at a time (i.e. [1,2], [3,4], [5]):

let v = &[1,2,3,4,5];
for win in v.chunks(2) {
    println!("{:?}", win);

fn get_opt(&self, index: uint) -> Option<&'a T>

Returns the element of a vector at the given index, or None if the index is out of bounds

fn head(&self) -> &'a T

Returns the first element of a vector, failing if the vector is empty.

fn head_opt(&self) -> Option<&'a T>

Returns the first element of a vector, or None if it is empty

fn tail(&self) -> &'a [T]

Returns all but the first element of a vector

fn tailn(&self, n: uint) -> &'a [T]

Returns all but the first `n' elements of a vector

fn init(&self) -> &'a [T]

Returns all but the last element of a vector

fn initn(&self, n: uint) -> &'a [T]

Returns all but the last `n' elements of a vector

fn last(&self) -> &'a T

Returns the last element of a vector, failing if the vector is empty.

fn last_opt(&self) -> Option<&'a T>

Returns the last element of a vector, or None if it is empty.

fn flat_map<U>(&self, f: |t: &T| -> ~[U]) -> ~[U]

Apply a function to each element of a vector and return a concatenation of each result vector

unsafe fn unsafe_ref(&self, index: uint) -> *T

Returns a pointer to the element at the given index, without doing bounds checking.

fn as_ptr(&self) -> *T

Returns an unsafe pointer to the vector's buffer

The caller must ensure that the vector outlives the pointer this function returns, or else it will end up pointing to garbage.

Modifying the vector may cause its buffer to be reallocated, which would also make any pointers to it invalid.

fn bsearch(&self, f: |&T| -> Ordering) -> Option<uint>

Binary search a sorted vector with a comparator function.

The comparator function should implement an order consistent with the sort order of the underlying vector, returning an order code that indicates whether its argument is Less, Equal or Greater the desired target.

Returns the index where the comparator returned Equal, or None if not found.

fn map<U>(&self, |t: &T| -> U) -> ~[U]

Deprecated, use iterators where possible (self.iter().map(f)). Apply a function to each element of a vector and return the results.

fn shift_ref(&mut self) -> &'a T

Returns a mutable reference to the first element in this slice and adjusts the slice in place so that it no longer contains that element. O(1).

Equivalent to:

    let head = &self[0];
    *self = self.slice_from(1);

Fails if slice is empty.

fn pop_ref(&mut self) -> &'a T

Returns a mutable reference to the last element in this slice and adjusts the slice in place so that it no longer contains that element. O(1).

Equivalent to:

    let tail = &self[self.len() - 1];
    *self = self.slice_to(self.len() - 1);

Fails if slice is empty.
