
Struct sync::RWLock

pub struct RWLock<T> {
    // some fields omitted

A dual-mode reader-writer lock. The data can be accessed mutably or immutably, and immutably-accessing tasks may run concurrently.


use sync::{RWLock, Arc};

let lock1 = Arc::new(RWLock::new(1));
let lock2 = lock1.clone();

spawn(proc() {
    let mut val = lock2.write();
    *val = 3;
    let val = val.downgrade();
    println!("{}", *val);

let val = lock1.read();
println!("{}", *val);


impl<T: Send + Share> RWLock<T>

fn new(user_data: T) -> RWLock<T>

Create a reader/writer lock with the supplied data.

fn new_with_condvars(user_data: T, num_condvars: uint) -> RWLock<T>

Create a reader/writer lock with the supplied data and a specified number of condvars (as sync::RWLock::new_with_condvars).

fn write<'a>(&'a self) -> RWLockWriteGuard<'a, T>

Access the underlying data mutably. Locks the rwlock in write mode; other readers and writers will block.


Failing while inside the lock will unlock the lock while unwinding, so that other tasks won't block forever. As Mutex.lock, it will also poison the lock, so subsequent readers and writers will both also fail.

fn read<'a>(&'a self) -> RWLockReadGuard<'a, T>

Access the underlying data immutably. May run concurrently with other reading tasks.


Failing will unlock the lock while unwinding. However, unlike all other access modes, this will not poison the lock.