
Struct std::path::windows::Path

pub struct Path {
    // some fields omitted

Represents a Windows path


impl Path

fn new<T: BytesContainer>(path: T) -> Path

Returns a new Path from a byte vector or string


Fails the task if the vector contains a NUL. Fails if invalid UTF-8.

fn new_opt<T: BytesContainer>(path: T) -> Option<Path>

Returns a new Path from a byte vector or string, if possible

fn str_components<'a>(&'a self) -> StrComponents<'a>

Returns an iterator that yields each component of the path in turn as a Option<&str>. Every component is guaranteed to be Some. Does not yield the path prefix (including server/share components in UNC paths). Does not distinguish between volume-relative and relative paths, e.g. \a\b\c and a\b\c. Does not distinguish between absolute and cwd-relative paths, e.g. C:\foo and C:foo.

fn rev_str_components<'a>(&'a self) -> RevStrComponents<'a>

Returns an iterator that yields each component of the path in reverse as an Option<&str> See str_components() for details.

fn components<'a>(&'a self) -> Components<'a>

Returns an iterator that yields each component of the path in turn as a &[u8]. See str_components() for details.

fn rev_components<'a>(&'a self) -> RevComponents<'a>

Returns an iterator that yields each component of the path in reverse as a &[u8]. See str_components() for details.

Trait Implementations

impl Eq for Path

fn eq(&self, other: &Path) -> bool

fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

impl TotalEq for Path

impl FromStr for Path

fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<Path>

Parses a string s to return an optional value of this type. If the string is ill-formatted, the None is returned.

impl ToCStr for Path

fn to_c_str(&self) -> CString

Copy the receiver into a CString.


Fails the task if the receiver has an interior null.

unsafe fn to_c_str_unchecked(&self) -> CString

Unsafe variant of to_c_str() that doesn't check for nulls.

fn with_c_str<T>(&self, f: |*c_char| -> T) -> T

Work with a temporary CString constructed from the receiver. The provided *libc::c_char will be freed immediately upon return.


use std::libc;

let s = "PATH".with_c_str(|path| unsafe {


Fails the task if the receiver has an interior null.

unsafe fn with_c_str_unchecked<T>(&self, f: |*c_char| -> T) -> T

Unsafe variant of with_c_str() that doesn't check for nulls.

impl<S: Writer> Hash<S> for Path

fn hash(&self, state: &mut S)

Compute a hash of the value.

impl BytesContainer for Path

fn container_as_bytes<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8]

Returns a &[u8] representing the receiver

fn container_into_owned_bytes(self) -> ~[u8]

Consumes the receiver and converts it into ~[u8]

fn container_as_str<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str>

Returns the receiver interpreted as a utf-8 string, if possible

fn is_str(_: Option<Path>) -> bool

Returns whether .container_as_str() is guaranteed to not fail

impl GenericPathUnsafe for Path

unsafe fn new_unchecked<T: BytesContainer>(path: T) -> Path

See GenericPathUnsafe::from_vec_unchecked.


Fails if not valid UTF-8.

unsafe fn set_filename_unchecked<T: BytesContainer>(&mut self, filename: T)

See GenericPathUnsafe::set_filename_unchecekd.


Fails if not valid UTF-8.

unsafe fn push_unchecked<T: BytesContainer>(&mut self, path: T)

See GenericPathUnsafe::push_unchecked.

Concatenating two Windows Paths is rather complicated. For the most part, it will behave as expected, except in the case of pushing a volume-relative path, e.g. C:foo.txt. Because we have no concept of per-volume cwds like Windows does, we can't behave exactly like Windows will. Instead, if the receiver is an absolute path on the same volume as the new path, it will be treated as the cwd that the new path is relative to. Otherwise, the new path will be treated as if it were absolute and will replace the receiver outright.

impl GenericPath for Path

fn new_opt<T: BytesContainer>(path: T) -> Option<Path>

Creates a new Path from a byte vector or string, if possible. The resulting Path will always be normalized.

fn as_str<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str>

See GenericPath::as_str for info. Always returns a Some value.

fn as_vec<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8]

Returns the path as a byte vector

fn into_vec(self) -> ~[u8]

Converts the Path into an owned byte vector

fn dirname<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8]

Returns the directory component of self, as a byte vector (with no trailing separator). If self has no directory component, returns ['.'].

fn dirname_str<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str>

See GenericPath::dirname_str for info. Always returns a Some value.

fn filename<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a [u8]>

Returns the file component of self, as a byte vector. If self represents the root of the file hierarchy, returns None. If self is "." or "..", returns None.

fn filename_str<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str>

See GenericPath::filename_str for info. Always returns a Some value if filename returns a Some value.

fn filestem_str<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str>

See GenericPath::filestem_str for info. Always returns a Some value if filestem returns a Some value.

fn extension_str<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str>

Returns the extension of the filename of self, as a string, if possible. See extension for details.

fn dir_path(&self) -> Path

Returns the directory component of self, as a Path. If self represents the root of the filesystem hierarchy, returns self.

fn pop(&mut self) -> bool

Removes the last path component from the receiver. Returns true if the receiver was modified, or false if it already represented the root of the file hierarchy.

fn root_path(&self) -> Option<Path>

Returns a Path that represents the filesystem root that self is rooted in.

If self is not absolute, or vol/cwd-relative in the case of Windows, this returns None.

fn is_absolute(&self) -> bool

See GenericPath::is_absolute for info.

A Windows Path is considered absolute only if it has a non-volume prefix, or if it has a volume prefix and the path starts with '\'. A path of \foo is not considered absolute because it's actually relative to the "current volume". A separate method Path::is_vol_relative is provided to indicate this case. Similarly a path of C:foo is not considered absolute because it's relative to the cwd on volume C:. A separate method Path::is_cwd_relative is provided to indicate this case.

fn is_relative(&self) -> bool

Returns whether self represents a relative path. Typically this is the inverse of is_absolute. But for Windows paths, it also means the path is not volume-relative or relative to the current working directory.

fn is_ancestor_of(&self, other: &Path) -> bool

Returns whether self is equal to, or is an ancestor of, the given path. If both paths are relative, they are compared as though they are relative to the same parent path.

fn path_relative_from(&self, base: &Path) -> Option<Path>

Returns the Path that, were it joined to base, would yield self. If no such path exists, None is returned. If self is absolute and base is relative, or on Windows if both paths refer to separate drives, an absolute path is returned.

fn ends_with_path(&self, child: &Path) -> bool

Returns whether the relative path child is a suffix of self.

fn new<T: BytesContainer>(path: T) -> Self

Creates a new Path from a byte vector or string. The resulting Path will always be normalized.


Fails the task if the path contains a NUL.

See individual Path impls for additional restrictions.

fn display<'a>(&'a self) -> Display<'a, Self>

Returns an object that implements Show for printing paths

This will print the equivalent of to_display_str() when used with a {} format parameter.

fn filename_display<'a>(&'a self) -> Display<'a, Self>

Returns an object that implements Show for printing filenames

This will print the equivalent of to_filename_display_str() when used with a {} format parameter. If there is no filename, nothing will be printed.

fn filestem<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a [u8]>

Returns the stem of the filename of self, as a byte vector. The stem is the portion of the filename just before the last '.'. If there is no '.', the entire filename is returned.

fn extension<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a [u8]>

Returns the extension of the filename of self, as an optional byte vector. The extension is the portion of the filename just after the last '.'. If there is no extension, None is returned. If the filename ends in '.', the empty vector is returned.

fn set_filename<T: BytesContainer>(&mut self, filename: T)

Replaces the filename portion of the path with the given byte vector or string. If the replacement name is [], this is equivalent to popping the path.


Fails the task if the filename contains a NUL.

fn set_extension<T: BytesContainer>(&mut self, extension: T)

Replaces the extension with the given byte vector or string. If there is no extension in self, this adds one. If the argument is [] or "", this removes the extension. If self has no filename, this is a no-op.


Fails the task if the extension contains a NUL.

fn with_filename<T: BytesContainer>(&self, filename: T) -> Self

Returns a new Path constructed by replacing the filename with the given byte vector or string. See set_filename for details.


Fails the task if the filename contains a NUL.

fn with_extension<T: BytesContainer>(&self, extension: T) -> Self

Returns a new Path constructed by setting the extension to the given byte vector or string. See set_extension for details.


Fails the task if the extension contains a NUL.

fn push<T: BytesContainer>(&mut self, path: T)

Pushes a path (as a byte vector or string) onto self. If the argument represents an absolute path, it replaces self.


Fails the task if the path contains a NUL.

fn push_many<T: BytesContainer>(&mut self, paths: &[T])

Pushes multiple paths (as byte vectors or strings) onto self. See push for details.

fn join<T: BytesContainer>(&self, path: T) -> Self

Returns a new Path constructed by joining self with the given path (as a byte vector or string). If the given path is absolute, the new Path will represent just that.


Fails the task if the path contains a NUL.

fn join_many<T: BytesContainer>(&self, paths: &[T]) -> Self

Returns a new Path constructed by joining self with the given paths (as byte vectors or strings). See join for details.

Derived Implementations

impl Clone for Path

fn clone(&self) -> Path

Returns a copy of the value. The contents of owned pointers are copied to maintain uniqueness, while the contents of managed pointers are not copied.

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Perform copy-assignment from source.

a.clone_from(&b) is equivalent to a = b.clone() in functionality, but can be overridden to reuse the resources of a to avoid unnecessary allocations.