
Module serialize::json

JSON parsing and serialization

What is JSON?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a way to write data in Javascript. Like XML it allows one to encode structured data in a text format that can be read by humans easily. Its native compatibility with JavaScript and its simple syntax make it used widely.

Json data are encoded in a form of "key":"value". Data types that can be encoded are JavaScript types : boolean (true or false), number (f64), string, array, object, null. An object is a series of string keys mapping to values, in "key": value format. Arrays are enclosed in square brackets ([ ... ]) and objects in curly brackets ({ ... }). A simple JSON document encoding a person, his/her age, address and phone numbers could look like:

    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "Age": 43,
    "Address": {
        "Street": "Downing Street 10",
        "City": "London",
        "Country": "Great Britain"
    "PhoneNumbers": [
        "+44 1234567",
        "+44 2345678"

Rust Type-based Encoding and Decoding

Rust provides a mechanism for low boilerplate encoding & decoding of values to and from JSON via the serialization API. To be able to encode a piece of data, it must implement the serialize::Encodable trait. To be able to decode a piece of data, it must implement the serialize::Decodable trait. The Rust compiler provides an annotation to automatically generate the code for these traits: #[deriving(Decodable, Encodable)]

To encode using Encodable :

use std::io;
use serialize::{json, Encodable};

 pub struct TestStruct   {
    data_str: ~str,

fn main() {
    let to_encode_object = TestStruct{data_str:~"example of string to encode"};
    let mut m = io::MemWriter::new();
        let mut encoder = json::Encoder::new(&mut m as &mut std::io::Writer);
        match to_encode_object.encode(&mut encoder) {
            Ok(()) => (),
            Err(e) => fail!("json encoding error: {}", e)

Two wrapper functions are provided to encode a Encodable object into a string (~str) or buffer (~[u8]): str_encode(&m) and buffer_encode(&m).

use serialize::json;
let to_encode_object = ~"example of string to encode";
let encoded_str: ~str = json::Encoder::str_encode(&to_encode_object);

JSON API provide an enum json::Json and a trait ToJson to encode object. The trait ToJson encode object into a container json::Json and the API provide writer to encode them into a stream or a string ...

When using ToJson the Encodable trait implementation is not mandatory.

A basic ToJson example using a TreeMap of attribute name / attribute value:

extern crate collections;
extern crate serialize;

use serialize::json;
use serialize::json::ToJson;
use collections::TreeMap;

pub struct MyStruct  {
    attr1: u8,
    attr2: ~str,

impl ToJson for MyStruct {
    fn to_json( &self ) -> json::Json {
        let mut d = ~TreeMap::new();
        d.insert(~"attr1", self.attr1.to_json());
        d.insert(~"attr2", self.attr2.to_json());

fn main() {
    let test2: MyStruct = MyStruct {attr1: 1, attr2:~"test"};
    let tjson: json::Json = test2.to_json();
    let json_str: ~str = tjson.to_str();

To decode a JSON string using Decodable trait :

extern crate serialize;
use serialize::{json, Decodable};

pub struct MyStruct  {
     attr1: u8,
     attr2: ~str,

fn main() {
    let json_str_to_decode: ~str =
    let json_object = json::from_str(json_str_to_decode);
    let mut decoder = json::Decoder::new(json_object.unwrap());
    let decoded_object: MyStruct = match Decodable::decode(&mut decoder) {
        Ok(v) => v,
        Err(e) => fail!("Decoding error: {}", e)
    }; // create the final object

Examples of use

Create a struct called TestStruct1 and serialize and deserialize it to and from JSON using the serialization API, using the derived serialization code.

extern crate serialize;
use serialize::{json, Encodable, Decodable};

 #[deriving(Decodable, Encodable)] //generate Decodable, Encodable impl.
 pub struct TestStruct1  {
    data_int: u8,
    data_str: ~str,
    data_vector: ~[u8],

// To serialize use the `json::str_encode` to encode an object in a string.
// It calls the generated `Encodable` impl.
fn main() {
    let to_encode_object = TestStruct1
         {data_int: 1, data_str:~"toto", data_vector:~[2,3,4,5]};
    let encoded_str: ~str = json::Encoder::str_encode(&to_encode_object);

    // To deserialize use the `json::from_str` and `json::Decoder`

    let json_object = json::from_str(encoded_str);
    let mut decoder = json::Decoder::new(json_object.unwrap());
    let decoded1: TestStruct1 = Decodable::decode(&mut decoder).unwrap(); // create the final object

This example use the ToJson impl to deserialize the JSON string. Example of ToJson trait implementation for TestStruct1.

extern crate serialize;
extern crate collections;

use serialize::json::ToJson;
use serialize::{json, Encodable, Decodable};
use collections::TreeMap;

#[deriving(Decodable, Encodable)] // generate Decodable, Encodable impl.
pub struct TestStruct1  {
    data_int: u8,
    data_str: ~str,
    data_vector: ~[u8],

impl ToJson for TestStruct1 {
    fn to_json( &self ) -> json::Json {
        let mut d = ~TreeMap::new();
        d.insert(~"data_int", self.data_int.to_json());
        d.insert(~"data_str", self.data_str.to_json());
        d.insert(~"data_vector", self.data_vector.to_json());

fn main() {
    // Serialization using our impl of to_json

    let test2: TestStruct1 = TestStruct1 {data_int: 1, data_str:~"toto", data_vector:~[2,3,4,5]};
    let tjson: json::Json = test2.to_json();
    let json_str: ~str = tjson.to_str();

    // Deserialize like before.

    let mut decoder = json::Decoder::new(json::from_str(json_str).unwrap());
    // create the final object
    let decoded2: TestStruct1 = Decodable::decode(&mut decoder).unwrap();

A structure to decode JSON to values in rust.


A structure for implementing serialization to JSON.


Another encoder for JSON, but prints out human-readable JSON instead of compact data


Represents a json value


A trait for converting values to JSON


Decodes a json value from an &mut io::Reader


Decodes a json value from a string
