Other style advice


Prefer to use Rust's expression oriented nature where possible;

fn main() {
// use
let x = if y { 1 } else { 0 };
// not
let x;
if y {
    x = 1;
} else {
    x = 0;


  • Types shall be UpperCamelCase,
  • Enum variants shall be UpperCamelCase,
  • Struct fields shall be snake_case,
  • Function and method names shall be snake_case,
  • Local variables shall be snake_case,
  • Macro names shall be snake_case,
  • Constants (consts and immutable statics) shall be SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
  • When a name is forbidden because it is a reserved word (such as crate), either use a raw identifier (r#crate) or use a trailing underscore (crate_). Don't misspell the word (krate).


Avoid #[path] annotations where possible.