Module rustc_type_ir::search_graph

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  • CycleHeads 🔒
    All cycle heads a given goal depends on, ordered by their stack depth.
  • The nested goals of each stack entry and the path from the stack entry to that nested goal.
  • A provisional result of an already computed goals which depends on other goals still on the stack.
  • StackEntry 🔒
    Stack entries of the evaluation stack. Its fields tend to be lazily when popping a child goal or completely immutable.


  • In the initial iteration of a cycle, we do not yet have a provisional result. In the case we return an initial provisional result depending on the kind of cycle.


  • The search graph does not simply use Interner directly to enable its fuzzing without having to stub the rest of the interner. We don’t make this a super trait of Interner as users of the shared type library shouldn’t have to care about Input and Result as they are implementation details of the search graph.