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The deprecated_cfg_attr_crate_type_name lint detects uses of the #![cfg_attr(..., crate_type = "...")] and #![cfg_attr(..., crate_name = "...")] attributes to conditionally specify the crate type and name in the source code.


#![cfg_attr(debug_assertions, crate_type = "lib")]



The #![crate_type] and #![crate_name] attributes require a hack in the compiler to be able to change the used crate type and crate name after macros have been expanded. Neither attribute works in combination with Cargo as it explicitly passes --crate-type and --crate-name on the commandline. These values must match the value used in the source code to prevent an error.

To fix the warning use --crate-type on the commandline when running rustc instead of #![cfg_attr(..., crate_type = "...")] and --crate-name instead of #![cfg_attr(..., crate_name = "...")].