Static rustc_lint::builtin::PTR_CAST_ADD_AUTO_TO_OBJECT

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pub static PTR_CAST_ADD_AUTO_TO_OBJECT: &'static Lint
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The ptr_cast_add_auto_to_object lint detects casts of raw pointers to trait objects, which add auto traits.


let ptr: *const dyn core::any::Any = &();
_ = ptr as *const dyn core::any::Any + Send;



Adding an auto trait can make the vtable invalid, potentially causing UB in safe code afterwards. For example:


trait Trait {
    fn f(self: *const Self)
        Self: Send;

impl Trait for *const () {
    fn f(self: *const Self) {

fn main() {
    let unsend: *const () = &();
    let unsend: *const dyn Trait = &unsend;
    let send_bad: *const (dyn Trait + Send) = unsend as _;
    send_bad.f(); // this crashes, since vtable for `*const ()` does not have an entry for `f`

Generally you must ensure that vtable is right for the pointer’s type, before passing the pointer to safe code.