Module freshen

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Freshening is the process of replacing unknown variables with fresh types. The idea is that the type, after freshening, contains no inference variables but instead contains either a value for each variable or fresh “arbitrary” types wherever a variable would have been.

Freshening is used primarily to get a good type for inserting into a cache. The result summarizes what the type inferencer knows “so far”. The primary place it is used right now is in the trait matching algorithm, which needs to be able to cache whether an impl self type matches some other type X – without affecting X. That means that if the type X is in fact an unbound type variable, we want the match to be regarded as ambiguous, because depending on what type that type variable is ultimately assigned, the match may or may not succeed.

To handle closures, freshened types also have to contain the signature and kind of any closure in the local inference context, as otherwise the cache key might be invalidated. The way this is done is somewhat hacky - the closure signature is appended to the args, as well as the closure kind “encoded” as a type. Also, special handling is needed when the closure signature contains a reference to the original closure.

Note that you should be careful not to allow the output of freshening to leak to the user in error messages or in any other form. Freshening is only really useful as an internal detail.

Because of the manipulation required to handle closures, doing arbitrary operations on freshened types is not recommended. However, in addition to doing equality/hash comparisons (for caching), it is possible to do a ty::_match operation between two freshened types - this works even with the closure encoding.

An important detail concerning regions. The freshener also replaces all free regions with ’erased. The reason behind this is that, in general, we do not take region relationships into account when making type-overloaded decisions. This is important because of the design of the region inferencer, which is not based on unification but rather on accumulating and then solving a set of constraints. In contrast, the type inferencer assigns a value to each type variable only once, and it does so as soon as it can, so it is reasonable to ask what the type inferencer knows “so far”.

