Module cargo::core::resolver::types

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  • All possible reasons that a package might fail to activate.
  • Resolver behavior, used to opt-in to new behavior that is backwards-incompatible via the resolver field in the manifest.

Type Aliases§

  • A list of packages that have gotten in the way of resolving a dependency. If resolving a dependency fails then this represents an incompatibility, that dependency will never be resolve while all of these packages are active. This is useless if the packages can’t be simultaneously activated for other reasons.
  • Information about the dependencies for a crate, a tuple of:
  • The preferred way to store the set of activated features for a package. This is sorted so that it impls Hash, and owns its contents, needed so it can be part of the key for caching in the DepsCache. It is also cloned often as part of Context, hence the RC. im-rs::OrdSet was slower of small sets like this, but this can change with improvements to std, im, or llvm. Using a consistent type for this allows us to use the highly optimized comparison operators like is_subset at the interfaces.