Miscellaneous helpers for common patterns.

Enum Void

A type with no inhabitants

Struct NonCopyable

pub struct NonCopyable;

A non-copyable dummy type.

Implementation of ::std::cmp::Eq for NonCopyable

Automatically derived.

Method eq

fn eq(&self, __arg_0: &NonCopyable) -> ::bool

Method ne

fn ne(&self, __arg_0: &NonCopyable) -> ::bool

Implementation of ::std::cmp::TotalEq for NonCopyable

Automatically derived.

Method equals

fn equals(&self, __arg_0: &NonCopyable) -> ::bool

Implementation of ::std::cmp::Ord for NonCopyable

Automatically derived.

Method lt

fn lt(&self, __arg_0: &NonCopyable) -> ::bool

Method le

fn le(&self, __arg_0: &NonCopyable) -> ::bool

Method gt

fn gt(&self, __arg_0: &NonCopyable) -> ::bool

Method ge

fn ge(&self, __arg_0: &NonCopyable) -> ::bool

Implementation of ::std::cmp::TotalOrd for NonCopyable

Automatically derived.

Method cmp

fn cmp(&self, __arg_0: &NonCopyable) -> ::std::cmp::Ordering

Implementation of Drop for NonCopyable

Method drop

fn drop(&self)

Implementation for Void

Method uninhabited

fn uninhabited(self) -> !

A utility function for ignoring this uninhabited type

Function id

fn id<T>(x: T) -> T

The identity function.

Function ignore

fn ignore<T>(_x: T)

Ignores a value.

Function replace

fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, mut src: T) -> T

Replace the value at a mutable location with a new one, returning the old value, without deinitialising or copying either one.

Function swap

fn swap<T>(x: &mut T, y: &mut T)

Swap the values at two mutable locations of the same type, without deinitialising or copying either one.

Function unreachable

fn unreachable() -> !

A utility function for indicating unreachable code. It will fail if executed. This is occasionally useful to put after loops that never terminate normally, but instead directly return from a function.


fn choose_weighted_item(v: &[Item]) -> Item {
    let mut so_far = 0u;
    for v.each |item| {
        so_far += item.weight;
        if so_far > 100 {
            return item;
    // The above loop always returns, so we must hint to the
    // type checker that it isn't possible to get down here

Function with

fn with<T, R>(ptr: @mut T, value: T, op: &fn() -> R) -> R

Sets *ptr to new_value, invokes op(), and then restores the original value of *ptr.

NB: This function accepts @mut T and not &mut T to avoid an obvious borrowck hazard. Typically passing in &mut T will cause borrow check errors because it freezes whatever location that &mut T is stored in (either statically or dynamically).