Composable internal iterators

Internal iterators are functions implementing the protocol used by the for loop.

An internal iterator takes fn(...) -> bool as a parameter, with returning false used to signal breaking out of iteration. The adaptors in the module work with any such iterator, not just ones tied to specific traits. For example:

println(iter::to_vec(|f| uint::range(0, 20, f)).to_str());

An external iterator object implementing the interface in the iterator module can be used as an internal iterator by calling the advance method. For example:

let xs = [0u, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let ys = [30, 40, 50, 60];
let mut it = xs.iter().chain(ys.iter());
for it.advance |&x: &uint| {

Internal iterators provide a subset of the functionality of an external iterator. It's not possible to interleave them to implement algorithms like zip, union and merge. However, they're often much easier to implement.

Trait FromIter

Method from_iter

fn from_iter(iter: &fn(f: &fn(T) -> bool) -> bool) -> Self

Build a container with elements from an internal iterator.


let xs = ~[1, 2, 3];
let ys: ~[int] = do FromIter::from_iter |f| { xs.iter().advance(|x| f(*x)) };
assert_eq!(xs, ys);

Trait Times

Method times

fn times(&self, it: &fn() -> bool) -> bool

Function all

fn all<T>(predicate: &fn(T) -> bool, iter: &fn(f: &fn(T) -> bool) -> bool) ->

Return true if predicate is true for all values yielded by an internal iterator.


assert!(all(|&x: &uint| x < 6, |f| uint::range(1, 6, f)));
assert!(!all(|&x: &uint| x < 5, |f| uint::range(1, 6, f)));

Function any

fn any<T>(predicate: &fn(T) -> bool, iter: &fn(f: &fn(T) -> bool) -> bool) ->

Return true if predicate is true for any values yielded by an internal iterator.


let xs = ~[1u, 2, 3, 4, 5];
assert!(any(|&x: &uint| x > 2, |f| xs.iter().advance(f)));
assert!(!any(|&x: &uint| x > 5, |f| xs.iter().advance(f)));

Function find

fn find<T>(predicate: &fn(&T) -> bool, iter: &fn(f: &fn(T) -> bool) -> bool)
 -> Option<T>

Return the first element where predicate returns true. Return None if no element is found.


let xs = ~[1u, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
assert_eq!(*find(|& &x: & &uint| x > 3, |f| xs.iter().advance(f)).unwrap(), 4);

Function fold

fn fold<T,
        U>(start: T, iter: &fn(f: &fn(U) -> bool) -> bool, f: &fn(&mut T, U))
 -> T

Reduce an iterator to an accumulated value.


assert_eq!(fold(0i, |f| int::range(1, 5, f), |a, x| *a += x), 10);

Function fold_ref

fn fold_ref<T,
            U>(start: T, iter: &fn(f: &fn(&U) -> bool) -> bool,
               f: &fn(&mut T, &U)) -> T

Reduce an iterator to an accumulated value.

fold_ref is usable in some generic functions where fold is too lenient to type-check, but it forces the iterator to yield borrowed pointers.


fn product<T: One + Mul<T, T>>(iter: &fn(f: &fn(&T) -> bool) -> bool) -> T {
    fold_ref(One::one::<T>(), iter, |a, x| *a = a.mul(x))

Function max

fn max<T: Ord>(iter: &fn(f: &fn(T) -> bool) -> bool) -> Option<T>

Return the largest item yielded by an iterator. Return None if the iterator is empty.


let xs = ~[8, 2, 3, 1, -5, 9, 11, 15];
assert_eq!(max(|f| xs.iter().advance(f)).unwrap(), &15);

Function min

fn min<T: Ord>(iter: &fn(f: &fn(T) -> bool) -> bool) -> Option<T>

Return the smallest item yielded by an iterator. Return None if the iterator is empty.


let xs = ~[8, 2, 3, 1, -5, 9, 11, 15];
assert_eq!(max(|f| xs.iter().advance(f)).unwrap(), &-5);

Function product

fn product<T: One + Mul<T, T>>(iter: &fn(f: &fn(&T) -> bool) -> bool) -> T

Return the product of the items yielded by an iterator.


let xs: ~[int] = ~[1, 2, 3, 4];
assert_eq!(do product |f| { xs.iter().advance(f) }, 24);

Function sum

fn sum<T: Zero + Add<T, T>>(iter: &fn(f: &fn(&T) -> bool) -> bool) -> T

Return the sum of the items yielding by an iterator.


let xs: ~[int] = ~[1, 2, 3, 4];
assert_eq!(do sum |f| { xs.iter().advance(f) }, 10);