Borrowed pointer utilities

Implementation of Eq for &'self T where <'self, T: Eq>

Method eq

fn eq(&self, other: &&'self T) -> bool

Method ne

fn ne(&self, other: &&'self T) -> bool

Implementation of Ord for &'self T where <'self, T: Ord>

Method lt

fn lt(&self, other: &&'self T) -> bool

Method le

fn le(&self, other: &&'self T) -> bool

Method ge

fn ge(&self, other: &&'self T) -> bool

Method gt

fn gt(&self, other: &&'self T) -> bool

Function ref_eq

fn ref_eq<'a, 'b, T>(thing: &'a T, other: &'b T) -> bool

Determine if two borrowed pointers point to the same thing.

Function to_uint

fn to_uint<T>(thing: &T) -> uint

Cast a region pointer - &T - to a uint.