Type CompletionCb

type CompletionCb = ~fn(~str, &fn(~str))

Function add_history

fn add_history(line: ~str) -> bool

Add a line to history

Function complete

fn complete(cb: CompletionCb)

Bind to the main completion callback

Function complete_key

fn complete_key(_v: @CompletionCb)

Function load_history

fn load_history(file: ~str) -> bool

Load line history from a file

Function read

fn read(prompt: ~str) -> Option<~str>

Print out a prompt and then wait for input and return it

Function save_history

fn save_history(file: ~str) -> bool

Save line history to a file

Function set_history_max_len

fn set_history_max_len(len: int) -> bool

Set the maximum amount of lines stored