Const max_tasks


The maximum number of tasks this module will spawn for a single operation.

Const min_granularity


The minimum number of elements each task will process.

Function alli

fn alli<A: Copy Owned>(xs: &[A], f: ~fn(uint, &A) -> bool) -> bool

Returns true if the function holds for all elements in the vector.

Function any

fn any<A: Copy Owned>(xs: &[A], f: ~fn(&A) -> bool) -> bool

Returns true if the function holds for any elements in the vector.

Function map

fn map<A: Copy Owned, B: Copy Owned>(xs: &[A], f: ~fn(&A) -> B) -> ~[B]

A parallel version of map.

Function map_slices

fn map_slices<A: Copy Owned,
              B: Copy Owned>(xs: &[A], f: &fn() -> ~fn(uint, v: &[A]) -> B) ->

An internal helper to map a function over a large vector and return the intermediate results.

This is used to build most of the other parallel vector functions, like map or alli.

Function mapi

fn mapi<A: Copy Owned, B: Copy Owned>(xs: &[A], f: ~fn(uint, &A) -> B) -> ~[B]

A parallel version of mapi.

Function mapi_factory

fn mapi_factory<A: Copy Owned,
                B: Copy Owned>(xs: &[A], f: &fn() -> ~fn(uint, A) -> B) ->

A parallel version of mapi.

In this case, f is a function that creates functions to run over the inner elements. This is to skirt the need for copy constructors.