Implementation of iter::BaseIter<A> for IMPL_T<A>

Method each

fn each(blk: &fn(v: &A) -> bool)

Method size_hint

fn size_hint() -> Option<uint>

Implementation of iter::ExtendedIter<A> for IMPL_T<A>

Method eachi

fn eachi(blk: &fn(uint, v: &A) -> bool)

Method all

fn all(blk: &fn(&A) -> bool) -> bool

Method any

fn any(blk: &fn(&A) -> bool) -> bool

Method foldl

fn foldl<B>(b0: B, blk: &fn(&B, &A) -> B) -> B

Method position

fn position(f: &fn(&A) -> bool) -> Option<uint>

Method map_to_vec

fn map_to_vec<B>(op: &fn(&A) -> B) -> ~[B]

Method flat_map_to_vec

fn flat_map_to_vec<B, IB: BaseIter<B>>(op: &fn(&A) -> IB) -> ~[B]

Implementation of iter::EqIter<A> for IMPL_T<A>

Method contains

fn contains(x: &A) -> bool

Method count

fn count(x: &A) -> uint

Implementation of iter::CopyableIter<A> for IMPL_T<A>

Method filter_to_vec

fn filter_to_vec(pred: &fn(&A) -> bool) -> ~[A]

Method to_vec

fn to_vec() -> ~[A]

Method find

fn find(f: &fn(&A) -> bool) -> Option<A>

Implementation of iter::CopyableOrderedIter<A> for IMPL_T<A>

Method min

fn min() -> A

Method max

fn max() -> A