Type Ipv4Rep

type Ipv4Rep = {a: u8, b: u8, c: u8, d: u8,}

Interface AsUnsafeU32

Method as_u32

fn as_u32() -> u32

Implementation of AsUnsafeU32 for Ipv4Rep

Method as_u32

fn as_u32() -> u32

Function parse_addr

fn parse_addr(ip: & str) -> IpAddr

Convert a str to ip_addr


Fails if the string is not a valid IPv4 address



Function parse_to_ipv4_rep

fn parse_to_ipv4_rep(ip: & str) -> result::Result<Ipv4Rep, ~str>

Function try_parse_addr

fn try_parse_addr(ip: & str) -> result::Result<IpAddr, ParseAddrErr>