A standard linked list

Enum list


Function append

pure fn append<T: copy>(l: @list<T>, m: @list<T>) -> @list<T>

Appends one list to another

Function each

fn each<T>(l: @list<T>, f: fn(T) -> bool)

Iterate over a list

Function find

fn find<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>, f: fn(T) -> bool) -> option<T>

Search for an element that matches a given predicate

Apply function f to each element of v, starting from the first. When function f returns true then an option containing the element is returned. If f matches no elements then none is returned.

Function foldl

fn foldl<T: copy, U>(z: T, ls: @list<U>, f: fn(T, U) -> T) -> T

Left fold

Applies f to u and the first element in the list, then applies f to the result of the previous call and the second element, and so on, returning the accumulated result.


Function from_vec

fn from_vec<T: copy>(v: & [T]) -> @list<T>

Create a list from a vector

Function has

fn has<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>, elt: T) -> bool

Returns true if a list contains an element with the given value

Function head

pure fn head<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>) -> T

Returns the first element of a list

Function is_empty

pure fn is_empty<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>) -> bool

Returns true if the list is empty

Function is_not_empty

pure fn is_not_empty<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>) -> bool

Returns true if the list is not empty

Function iter

fn iter<T>(l: @list<T>, f: fn(T))

Iterate over a list

Function len

fn len<T>(ls: @list<T>) -> uint

Returns the length of a list

Function push

fn push<T: copy>(&l: list<T>, v: T)

Push an element to the front of a list

Function tail

pure fn tail<T: copy>(ls: @list<T>) -> @list<T>

Returns all but the first element of a list