json serialization

Type error

type error = {line: uint, col: uint, msg: @str,}

Enum json

Represents a json value


Interface to_json

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation hashmap of map<K, V> for t<K, V>

Method size

fn size() -> uint

Method contains_key

fn contains_key(k: K) -> bool

Method insert

fn insert(+k: K, +v: V) -> bool

Method find

fn find(k: K) -> option<V>

Method get

fn get(k: K) -> V

Method []

fn [](k: K) -> V

Method remove

fn remove(k: K) -> option<V>

Method clear

fn clear()

Method each

fn each(blk: fn(K, V) -> bool)

Method each_key

fn each_key(blk: fn(K) -> bool)

Method each_value

fn each_value(blk: fn(V) -> bool)

Implementation to_json of to_json for json

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for @json

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for int

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for i8

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for i16

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for i32

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for i64

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for uint

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for u8

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for u16

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for u32

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for u64

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for float

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for f32

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for f64

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for ()

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for bool

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for str

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for @str

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for (A, B)

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for (A, B, C)

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for ~[A]

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for hashmap<str, A>

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_json of to_json for option<A>

Method to_json

fn to_json() -> json

Implementation to_str of to_str::to_str for json

Method to_str

fn to_str() -> str

Implementation to_str of to_str::to_str for error

Method to_str

fn to_str() -> str

Function eq

fn eq(value0: json, value1: json) -> bool

Test if two json values are equal

Function from_reader

fn from_reader(rdr: io::reader) -> result<json, error>

Deserializes a json value from an io::reader

Function from_str

fn from_str(s: str) -> result<json, error>

Deserializes a json value from a string

Function to_str

fn to_str(j: json) -> str

Serializes a json value into a string

Function to_writer

fn to_writer(wr: io::writer, j: json)

Serializes a json value into a io::writer