Misc low level stuff

Enum condition


Enum type_desc


Implementation methods for lock_and_signal

Method lock

unsafe fn lock<T>(f: fn() -> T) -> T

Method lock_cond

unsafe fn lock_cond<T>(f: fn(condition) -> T) -> T

Implementation methods for condition

Method wait

fn wait()

Method signal

fn signal() -> bool

Function get_type_desc

pure fn get_type_desc<T>() -> *type_desc

Returns a pointer to a type descriptor.

Useful for calling certain function in the Rust runtime or otherwise performing dark magick.

Function log_str

pure fn log_str<T>(t: T) -> str

Function min_align_of

pure fn min_align_of<T>() -> uint

Returns the ABI-required minimum alignment of a type

This is the alignment used for struct fields. It may be smaller than the preferred alignment.

Function pref_align_of

pure fn pref_align_of<T>() -> uint

Returns the preferred alignment of a type

Function refcount

pure fn refcount<T>(+t: @T) -> uint

Returns the refcount of a shared box (as just before calling this)

Function size_of

pure fn size_of<T>() -> uint

Returns the size of a type